Sold in over 15 countries around the world, Annette’s books make all of the tools available needed to develop and maintain a quality Ballet for Figure Skaters program at your rink, on any continent, around the globe.
Annette has also lectured and published numerous freelance articles on dance, exercise, imagery, and creative movement, and has worked extensively with both handicapped and gifted children in the areas of creativity, art, and movement.
Fundamentals of Alignment and Classical Movement for Figure Skaters

$49.95 e book
$69.95 physical copy
A comprehensive book for adult figure skaters, coaches, and dance instructors. This book offers a step-by-step guide to thoroughly explore the fundamentals of both off-and on-ice movement training from the “inside out” while using mind, body, and spirit. Topics include intuitive awareness, the crucial role that interrelationships between anatomy and physiology play in training, body awareness and the “origins” of movement, spatial awareness, what to look for in off-ice dance classes, and much more. 300 pages.
Lessons in Classical Ballet for the Figure Skater
$39.95 e book
$59.95 physical copy
This book provides everything the professional ballet instructor needs in order to offer the most relevant and highest quality Classical Ballet training expressly designed for figure skaters. Based on the Vaganova Method, this Lesson book contains 20 full length 1 and ½ hour lessons from the beginning through the advanced levels including: body awareness and alignment floor exercises, warm-up, stretching and suggestions on teaching methodology, style and Character Dance. Also included are four “Ballet on Ice” lessons, a graded syllabus, evaluation and test questions. To equip the ballet instructor with the technical information, there is a section on figure skating jumps, spins, footwork and edges. 299 pages.